PRP Hair Restoration

PRP hair restoration is an injection treatment for those patients suffering from hair loss.

PRP hair restoration is an injection treatment for those patients suffering from hair loss. When platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into an area of concern it creates mild inflammation that activates healing and helps with tissue restoration. This triggers and promotes hair growth.

As with any other of our PRP treatments, a sample of blood is taken from the patient where the platelet-rich plasma is separated in a centrifuge and then injected into the desired area(s) of the scalp where thinning is an issue. About three appointments are required initially, spanning over a four-week period between each PRP procedure. Depending on each patient’s response to the treatment, more sessions may be needed. It is advised that males get additional procedures done every six months, due to testosterone levels. Meanwhile, females tend to come every year for follow-ups, after their first three appointments are complete.