Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical, drug-free treatment that can help issues related to pain. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelets are naturally occurring and found in each person. Platelets travel through the vascular system in plasma. A rich concentration of platelets suspended in plasma (PRPcontainsin elements necessary for the cell recruitment, multiplication, and specialization required for healing.

What is a PRP Treatment?

A PRP treatment is a non-surgical, drug-free option that can help with issues related to pain, repair, and healing. It is given to patients through an injection specifically placed in the intended area as in the skin for facial rejuvenation, scalp for hair restoration, in joints and muscles, and around ligaments and tendons. 

Through these injections rebuilding, recovery, and healing is accelerated.

PRP treatments may be given concomitantly with Human Cellular Tissue (HCT) depending on the severity of your condition. During your office consultation, our medical staff will determine the best options based on individual presentations.

Conditions Treated:

  • Joint pain                    
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Sexual dysfunction          
  • Acne, facial scarring
  • Muscle and ligamentous injuries     
  • Crepey appearing skin
  • Alopecia or hair loss

Is this treatment right for you?

  • Do you have pain that lasted a minimum of three months (chronic condition)?
  • Do you suffer from tears, strains, or sprains of tendons, ligaments, or muscles (acute condition)?
  • Have pain that persists around an injury, despite trying other alternative treatments?
  • Do you want to avoid surgery and medication options?
  • Are you interested in anti-aging facial/décolleté rejuvenation options?
  • Is hair loss affecting your confidence? 

If you answer YES to any of the above questions, PRP treatments are right for you!

Is this treatment right for you? PRP might be the procedure of choice if you:

  • Have pain that has lasted a minimum of three months (chronic condition).
  • Suffered from tears, strains, or sprains of tendons, ligaments, or muscles (acute condition).
  • Have pain that persists around an injury, despite trying other alternative treatments.
  • Want to avoid surgery and medication options.


Find The Right Plan

Once you decide to sign up for the Metabolic Reset Weight Loss program, you’ll have a talk with one of our qualified team members about how the plan works. We help you integrate the program into your daily lifestyle, introduce proper foods, provide tips for success, and answer any and all questions.

Proprietary Supplements

During your customized weight loss program, we use a proprietary product to help “reset your metabolism”. This is a safe and organic supplement with no known side effects. Even patients on current medications or with existing health conditions get approval from their doctor for this safe-to-use supplement.

Frequent Check-Ins

We follow you every step of the way by reviewing your results and food journal, with frequent appointments that can be done in person, over the phone, or via video conference. Our team also provides educational resources for lifestyle and nutrition choices.

Customized Plans

We work with you to develop a personalized weight loss plan to meet your specific needs and goals. Our team is always on hand for any questions you may have.

Meal Planning

This is key for many, as most of us have a fast and busy lifestyle. Healthy, delicious, and nutritious meals can benefit your weight loss journey, and meal prepping is important to the entire program. Our team will introduce you to healthy and delicious food, and show you how to incorporate your favorite foods into your meal plan.